Hey it's another Photo #29
March 25, 2010, 6:29 pm
Hey everyone, straight up I'm going to have to apologise for the bad quality of the image - it was taken on my old camera about 5 years ago. But it captured an amazing scene so I thought I could get away with it. You can check out the larger version here
On a more important note, I have invested my weekend time into an expedition which is part of my DofE (Duke of Edinburgh) course. It will take up most of the weekend, but I am determined to be more active this weekend than last - where I did not do a "creative" project for my 52 weeks project. However I have done something, I'm not that lazy...It is now possible to go to old posts and comment on them. That, I had worked intensely upon, creatively it trumps nothing except providing me good feedback for future posts and activities.
So you can be expecting an array of fresh photos from my expedition this weekend, which covers the countryside.