Week 06 - A Poem

April 5, 2010, 11:05 am



52 weeks, poem, Chew, England

Another 52 Weeks of Progress project. Provoking me to do this project was Mr. Chew, who frequently conjured up great poems (I may feature some of them in later posts). Effortlessly, he produced awesome work, so I thought that I should have go. The results did not shine marvellously at first, but with time I was able to pen a short poem about some of the current affairs in England. So with no further ado....

Words in Foreign Tongues

His purchase on the land was strong
And with a sweeping gaze − a stifled yawn
And he sunk his claws into the wet, slushy ground
Yet they wailed, and in return he −
Like a child − stuck out his tongue then spat −

Words in foreign sounds and foreign tongues
Full of spending cuts and devilled prongs
Yet they are the highest we have,
The social elite, but they cannot beat
− A childish skirmish, full of deceit

Feel free to comment, and if you are in a really good mood − why not write your own piece and post it up in the comments sections. I'll try to get back to as many people as I can.
