Hey it's another photo #20
March 4, 2010, 9:04 pm
Another scene for my boat trip across this beautiful lake in Switzerland. The larger version can be found here.
explore. create.
Another scene for my boat trip across this beautiful lake in Switzerland. The larger version can be found here.
Hey guys, I was playing around with the boat photo which I posted up the other day and thought it needed some colour - but not that much. You can check out the larger version here.
This will be one of Mahen.net's weekly features. It will include a collection of my photos from the last week in their wallpaper form. So I hope you guys enjoy this week's Goods.
Hey everyone, I'm now back with my photography having just gotten over the awesome aftermath of our gig.I had to come up with method of keeping the videos of the gig, the band & my bro, whilst having new posts - so I just changed the php code on the homepage. So bon appetite with the image - play around with it in photoshop. You can check out the larger version here.