The Notebook is a curation of curiosities and notes on life, design, creativity and space invaders. Recently I've undertaken the 52 Weeks of Progress project, which can be followed here or through my Twitter. Found anything interesting? Get in touch at

Choosing a Song

February 27, 2010, 11:55 pm



the band, songs

No this is not a tutorial on how to pick a song, say for a party. And also it is not a tutorial on teaching people about good music - although it gives a good indication. But this is a tutorial on how to choose a great song to showcase a band's talent to their fullest potential...

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52 Weeks of Progress Reflection

February 27, 2010, 4:20 pm



Hey guys, keeping with the trend set by so many others undergoing this challenge, I think it would be nice to have a reflection article about the last two weeks, from "an outside perspective". So first up the gig...

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Week 02 - Spoof Songs

February 26, 2010, 5:54 pm



The art of spoof songs is pretty amazing, and just awesomely hilarious - Tenacious D, Spinal Tap etc... Basically they are able to make some interesting stuff - so in accordance with my 52 weeks of progress, I have been working with some of the guys from the band on a spoof song

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52 Weeks of Progress

February 24, 2010, 9:56 pm



Recently I have seen and heard of loads of great people on the web doing more amazing things then usual. A surge of people willing to do an activity, have an experience and do something different every day, week, fortnight (well two weeks to you Americans) or month. Be it write a new designer article or sky dive.

Looking at such magnificent feats has left me with a need to do something of the sorts for my own purposes. All of use have aims, but I think it it great to get them all down on paper - like one of those "101 things before you die" books - but it is so much greater to do your own. I am now declaring a list of things which I wish which I wish to do this year, hopefully one every week will be covered. So with no further ado:


Record a Song with the Band - Week 07
Perform a Gig - Week 01
Do a cover of Stairway to Heaven, Another Brick in the Wall, Brown Sugar and Isn't She Lovely
Write Lyrics for an Album
Perform a spoof song - Week 02
Learn the Harmonica

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The Dance

February 23, 2010, 5:34 pm



My brother once again performed a slick Michael Jackson routine. He performed at the same venue as my band did on Saturday 20th February. And as always the atmosphere was electric, with everyone watching in awe as the heavy beats of the Billie Jean intro set in. The sound of rushing feet as the people ran to their seats in order to catch the legend which is now Beesh.

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The Gig

February 22, 2010, 6:53 pm



Hey everybody, the band performed another gig on Saturday 20th February. We got the audience grooving to the tunes of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan and "Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

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