The Notebook is a curation of curiosities and notes on life, design, creativity and space invaders. Recently I've undertaken the 52 Weeks of Progress project, which can be followed here or through my Twitter. Found anything interesting? Get in touch at

The Collective

December 27 2010



52, WoP, Collective, Inspiration

2.52 I'd started the collective months ago as a sort of inspiration wall, posting some of the most brilliant work I find across the internet there. But with the redesign and all, as well as new artistic direction as a whole I felt I needed to develop it further...

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From the faded file

December 27 2010



365, Old

Just digging through some old material and found a few good ones.


Watch it sparkle as you go to sleep

December 23 2010



365, Bear, Tip

[52/365] Found this little fella and thought it would make for some great pictures.

Photography Tips

I've noticed whenever using a subject that has crystals, jewels, glass or any sort of sparkling materials, lighting becomes fundamentally important to the finish of the shot. If too low, the subject would lack any details as little light enters and exits the object, whilst too high would make it too bright and also lose details as light would be refracted or reflected all over the place. So a point to keep in mind: lighting


Wherever you are, it is still a journey

December 22 2010



365, Ship, Bottle, Snow, Plants

Wherever you are, it is still a journey

[51/365] Returned to that bottled ship which I used in a shoot a couple of months ago, took it into the garden and tried several different ideas before settling on this one


Space Invaders vs. Pac-Man

December 20 2010



52, Space, Invaders, Pac-man, Mosaic, Arcade

[Extension of my week 1 project] I've always considered arcade gaming to be in a league of its own. Whilst modern games constantly seek to entice you with cutting-edge realism in their graphics, classic arcade games don't need to compete on such a level. Whereas modern gaming is defined by graphics, arcade gaming is defined by functionality (when computers were barely more powerful than a calculator, who cared about graphics?). But what arcade gaming is subject to, as any other genre of gaming, is competition.

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Invaders Must Die

December 19, 2010, 7:16 pm



52, WoP, Space, Invaders, Food, Arcade, Gaming

Invaders Must Die

1.52 Arcade games have always had that brilliant feel to them which you can't find in any other genre of gaming. You can find that fantastic pass-it-around sense when playing arcade game - everyone has go. Since they have been around for so long and have become entwined with our cultures and lives, everyone can play them too - the medium isn't just restricted to the youth.

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