The Notebook is a curation of curiosities and notes on life, design, creativity and space invaders. Recently I've undertaken the 52 Weeks of Progress project, which can be followed here or through my Twitter. Found anything interesting? Get in touch at

The 52 Weeks of Progress

December 15, 2010, 6:00 pm



52 Weeks, Creative, Project

A while back I had initiated then frozen (more like quit) my own attempt to get the ball rolling with my creativity. It had not completely failed as a lot has happened since then: redesigned, churned out large volumes of photographic work and began some client work. But that drive to push the creative boundaries of my own mind has remained - so I'm restarting the 52 Weeks of Progress, a challenge where (roughly) each week I produce and post up a creative effort in any medium...

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Reign of Three

December 2, 2010, 6:11 pm



365, Glass, Fireplace, Bokeh

[43/365] Flickr | Previous Shot

I will be producing up a post-processing tutorial soon, covering the effects I used to get this finish and that of my previous shot


To a glass following

December 1, 2010, 6:13 pm



365, Glass, Fireplace, Bokeh, B&W, Tip

[42/365] An experiment with B&W and post-processing. My fireplace seems to emanate this quality which makes it ideal for taking photos. Providing some delicious bokeh to support a subject when I turn down the lights; simply locating a subject in front of it is guaranteed to return at least a decent finish.

Photography Tips

Until recently my route to B&W finishes was either completely desaturating a piece on Photoshop or using the "Black and White" feature. Often we photographers cite reasons like preserving all the colours, so we can make a decision about whether to carry on with B&W or maintain the colours whilst in post-processing. However, plainly trusting that monochrome feature directly on the camera can provide far better results, setting our psychology to get it right first time rather than floundering around with little confidence. So next time you have the inspiration to try out B&W, be bold and set the mood from the outset.


An internal key of silence

December 1, 2010, 6:02 pm



365, Piano, Mechanism

[41/365] I've never paid much close attention to the insides of a piano - at least visually. I know how they work - all the hammers, strings and amplifications - but I have never looked inside the body of a grand piano. So a look into a piano, just to serve my own curiosity.


In Colours

November 28, 2010, 9:51 am



365, Colours, Silhouette

[38/365] Using silhouettes and colours.


In Silent Awe

November 22, 2010, 6:42 pm



365, Experiment, Texture, Type

[37/365] A double piece and experiment into textures, type and storytelling with a piece. Although a paragraph is half-written, I had put it in for aesthetics rather than meaning - but feel free to interpret...


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