The Notebook is a curation of curiosities and notes on life, design, creativity and space invaders. Recently I've undertaken the 52 Weeks of Progress project, which can be followed here or through my Twitter. Found anything interesting? Get in touch at

A basis in white

November 22, 2010, 6:36 pm



365, Flowers, Cup



As round as colour

November 22, 2010, 6:35 pm



365, Mancala, Pebbles

[34/365] Wading through the back room proved a rather uneventful experience apart from discovering a reasonably old Mancala set. Although most of it was in good condition, I chose to salvage just the colourful glass pebbles.



Off the stems of autumn

November 7, 2010, 11:49 am



365, Key Chain, Autumn

off the stems of autumn

[33/365] From a tree in my garden which looked beautiful with its warm, autumn overcoat of reds and oranges. My inclusion of the key chain, rather than leave the sight as it was, aimed to provoke thoughts of a small happiness or focus. A bit of an experimental approach...but enjoy!


On my way to drink with the crimson king

November 7, 2010, 11:44 am



365, Crimson, Bokeh

on my way to drink with the crimson king

[32/365] Working with my fireplace again...

Photography Tips

Applying an element of storytelling to the shot, with the title, adds a new facet to any photograph. In my opinion it really improves the piece, especially if you've adapted the most fitting story and title to the capture.


To write a letter in red (the book)

November 4, 2010, 9:57 pm



365, Fireplace, Book

To write a letter in red (the book)

[31/365] Working with different framing and cropping, the first 'long' capture I've taken - hope the change is good...


To write a letter in red (the fire)

November 4, 2010, 9:55 pm



365, Fireplace

To write a letter in red (the fire)

[30/365] One of the shots from my previous triptych...


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