The Dance

February 23, 2010, 5:34 pm



My brother once again performed a slick Michael Jackson routine. He performed at the same venue as my band did on Saturday 20th February. And as always the atmosphere was electric, with everyone watching in awe as the heavy beats of the Billie Jean intro set in. The sound of rushing feet as the people ran to their seats in order to catch the legend which is now Beesh.

Quiet frankly, there is not much to say about the grand atmosphere except ecstatic, cheering and awesome. The moves have definitely improved since the last time my brother encountered the stage, with a leather jacket, checked hat and grey trousers in full flow he had really polished off his performance.


And with the largest applause of the night (again) he left in a flurry of photography flashes and adoring fans. But he was not pulled away by the currents of fans as you would expect from most - he was still ready to pose for one last simple photo before the night was over.


So I can now finally say Thank You and Goodnight from the photo action of the Gig! Look out for the videos which will be gracing your desktop screens very soon.
