Week 02 - Spoof Songs

February 26, 2010, 5:54 pm



The art of spoof songs is pretty amazing, and just awesomely hilarious - Tenacious D, Spinal Tap etc... Basically they are able to make some interesting stuff - so in accordance with my 52 weeks of progress, I have been working with some of the guys from the band on a spoof song

(those who are regulars will have noticed that I had said 2 spoof songs, but sadly I have not the musically creative mind to create 2 hilarious songs - so one, I hope, will suffice.

The song is called "Paratas" and is strongly based in beautiful Spanish guitar - expertly played by Ajay Kotecha. The vocal group consists of myself, Mihir and Calum Wrench. Inputs came from all the band, so we hope you enjoy the culmination of some time while we played Call of Duty. The lyrics were mostly improvised from the second line, and was simply following a simple formula and would probably be more understandable (in terms of lyrics) to people who know me.

alt : Paratas
