The Notebook is a curation of curiosities and notes on life, design, creativity and space invaders. Recently I've undertaken the 52 Weeks of Progress project, which can be followed here or through my Twitter. Found anything interesting? Get in touch at

Week 06 - A Poem

April 5, 2010, 11:05 am



52 weeks, poem, Chew, England

Another 52 Weeks of Progress project. Provoking me to do this project was Mr. Chew, who frequently conjured up great poems (I may feature some of them in later posts). Effortlessly, he produced awesome work, so I thought that I should have go. The results did not shine marvellously at first, but with time I was able to pen a short poem about some of the current affairs in England. So with no further ado....

Words in Foreign Tongues

His purchase on the land was strong
And with a sweeping gaze − a stifled yawn
And he sunk his claws into the wet, slushy ground
Yet they wailed, and in return he −
Like a child − stuck out his tongue then spat −

Words in foreign sounds and foreign tongues
Full of spending cuts and devilled prongs
Yet they are the highest we have,
The social elite, but they cannot beat
− A childish skirmish, full of deceit

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The Goods #0010

March 31, 2010, 7:09 pm



the goods, last week, photography

This will be one of's weekly features. It will include a collection of my photos from the last week in their wallpaper form. So I hope you guys enjoy this week's Goods.

Tangerine Trees and A Marmalade Sky

Check out the larger version

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Hey it's another Photo #30

March 31, 2010, 7:03 pm



duke of edinburgh, experimental

experimental photography
A photo from the Duke of Edinburgh Expedition which I took part in last weekend. Having been made the photographer for the trip, in order to capture great scenes which we will later use in a project, I grabbed over 150 scenes. How great is digital? This is one of my favourite shots - you can find the larger version here, but you can also find a better illustration of our trip in my Duke of Edinburgh article.


Week 05 - Duke of Edinburgh

March 29, 2010, 6:32 pm



duke of edinburgh, expedition, teamwork

Duke of EdinburghLarger version here

Over half a year ago - in dull September - I signed up for Duke of Edinburgh Bronze. Having ran, jogged and cricketed my way fit during last Summer I felt that a tiny walk would have no grand effect on myself. How wrong one can be....

The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) course involved one skill, one service, one physical character and one expedition. The first three immediately became guitar, assisted cricket coaching and rugby respectively. The last one, the expedition, had been my only conception of the course. It would be a 30 to 40 kilometre walk set over two days. The practise expedition occurred last Saturday and Sunday (27-28 / 03 / 10) and would provide immense insight into conditions of the actual expedition pencilled in for sunny May...

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Hey it's another Photo #29

March 25, 2010, 6:29 pm



America, 52 weeks, expedition, old camera

american city
Hey everyone, straight up I'm going to have to apologise for the bad quality of the image - it was taken on my old camera about 5 years ago. But it captured an amazing scene so I thought I could get away with it. You can check out the larger version here

On a more important note, I have invested my weekend time into an expedition which is part of my DofE (Duke of Edinburgh) course. It will take up most of the weekend, but I am determined to be more active this weekend than last - where I did not do a "creative" project for my 52 weeks project. However I have done something, I'm not that lazy...It is now possible to go to old posts and comment on them. That, I had worked intensely upon, creatively it trumps nothing except providing me good feedback for future posts and activities.

So you can be expecting an array of fresh photos from my expedition this weekend, which covers the countryside.


Hey it's another Photo #28

March 23, 2010, 5:45 pm



swiss, river, cruise

beautiful riverside housing
Hey everybody, another picture from my trip to Switzerland. When I went on a river cruise I saw an abundance of amazing sights and one of them was these amazing riverside housing bundles strewn across the richly vegetated banks. Check out the larger version here.


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